You will spend a lot of time on the bike training for an IronMan. It is therefore important that you get a bike that will offer you a proper fit. A proper fit will provide maximum power transfer, better aerodynamics, and will be ergonomically more healthy in the long run (patellar tendonitis can evolve into a big problem when putting a lot of hours in on improperly fitted bike).
As part of my prep for IronMan Santa Rosa, I decided to purchase a Triathlon (Time Trial) bike and get a proper fit. Tri bikes are inherently expensive, but I lucked out with a great deal on a 2010 Cervelo P2C model that was never sold, rides just like new for 1/3rd the price of a 2017 model. For the bike fit I turned to Jim Mantell at Ero Sports ( Jim works with both professionals/world champions and newbies like me, an all around awesome guy.
I decided to get a pre-purchase fit on a calibration bike stand (below left) before looking for an actual tri-bike purchase. That way I knew generally what I had to look for. Using a Retul bike fit system 16 different measurements ranging from arm pad and grip reach to seat post height and saddle angle were measured. These measurements were then transferred to my Cervelo when I brought it in after purchase to dial in the position (below right).
Throughout training, I am playing around with different saddle positions to gauge power output and endurance. I have found that by sitting more forward in the saddle positioning my hips more centered over the bottom bracket (above right) I can generate more power, though I will typically not hold this position for long as this causes me to get pretty bunched up and restricts my lung capacity/comfort level to a degree. The position on the left is more representative of my long coast position of choice.
Put in some big bike numbers this week, courtesy of a three day training camp with the West Coast TriStar Athletes. Ill be travelling for work for the majority of next week so will be focusing more on my running during those days. Combined Training Load (CTL) continues to climb nicely, climbing 8 points from last week’s output.
A quick look at my performance chart below (Reference the T-13 week update for background) shows the quality of the training camp from 23-25 Feb. The high numbers are primarily contributed to attacking the Palos Verdes hills throughout the weekend (particularly the high Intensity Factor on the 23rd). My low Training Stress Balance (TSB) is a good indicator to justify a nice rest day on the 26th, reeling that in to above -30 by the 27th.